toilets TOILETS
toll bridges and roads TOLL BRIDGES AND ROADS
torts TORTS
Actions abolished, Ch. 768
Agreements to limit or eliminate liability void, 895.447
Assumption of risk:
Defense abrogated as to employees, 895.37
Recreational activity participants, 895.525
On school grounds or in school buildings, 895.523
Condominiums, actions against, 703.25
Actions by, 877.01
Claims against, 859.45
Governmental subdivisions, actions against, notice of claim, limitation of damages, 893.80
Imprisonment, discharge, 898.01
Libel and slander, see Libel and Slander
Marital property, obligation, satisfaction, 766.55 (2) (cm)
Personal representatives may sue for, 877.01
Privacy, invasion of, 995.50
Slander of title, generally, 706.13
Statute of limitations, 893.51 to 893.59
Contribution actions, 893.92
Trespass, see Trespass
Volunteer fire company, maximum recovery level for tort actions, 893.80 (3)
Wrongful death, see Wrongful Death
Wrongful taking of personal property, limitation, 893.51
tourism department TOURISM DEPARTMENT
Appropriation, 20.380
Arts board, see Art
Creation, 15.44
Definitions, 41.01
Economic development programs:
Goals and accountability measures, 41.11 (1g)
Reporting and coordination requirements, 41.11 (1r)
Ethics code:
Exceptions for department, 19.56 (3) (em)
Report of items of value received, required, 19.575
Film promotion, 41.15
Golf promotion, opportunities for junior golfers, payments to WPGA, 41.24
Kickapoo Valley reserve, see Kickapoo River
Lower Wisconsin state riverway board, see Wisconsin River
Marketing clearinghouse for state agencies, 41.21
Secretary, salary, 20.923 (4) (f)
State fair park board, 15.445 (4)
Surplus property, sale, 41.23
Tourism council:
Duties, 41.41
Membership, creation, 15.447 (1)
Tourism promotion:
Duties, 41.11
Grants for regional tourist information centers, 41.16
Marketing and advertising, 41.17
Offices, establishment, 41.15
town mutual insurance companies TOWN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANIES
Generally, Ch. 612
For detailed analysis, see Insurance—30. Town Mutuals
towns TOWNS
Generally, Ch. 60
towns_1. general provisions 1. General Provisions
Abuse victim address confidentiality program, 66.0504
Administrative procedure, see Administrative Procedure—4. Municipal
Airports and aeronautics:
Aeronautics, ordinances, 114.105
Initiating projects, acquiring lands for, 114.33
Land acquisition, loan program, 114.37
Alcohol beverages:
Licenses, see Alcohol Beverages
Ordinances, regulation other than licensing, 125.10
Ambulance and emergency medical services, 60.565, 256.12